Friday, September 26, 2014

Busting Fake Navy SEALs

May of you know that there have always been men and woman who have lied about their military service. Why? Well, so they can feel part of the hero worship, so they can take credit for something they never participated in. I write military romance because I believe in the guys and gals who do serve all over the world, for little pay and for even less recognition. They do their job every day because they signed on to do it. You might think it would be a small problem, then, about busting fakers, especially fakers in the SEAL community.

And you'd be wrong!

"When I began exposing Fake Navy SEALs a few years ago I was verifying 2-3 SEAL Imposters a week. As word spread I began checking 2-3 Phony Navy SEALs a day. Today, I currently verify 20-30 Fraudulent SEAL claims each and every single day and often more. When Navy SEALs execute another daring raid like the Somalia Pirates or the Bin Laden raid, the requests to verify go through the roof and I struggle to get through the email, Facebook, YouTube, and phone calls that easily goes over 50 SEAL verifications.

In the end... What started out small and free service for years has grown into a demanding and exceptionally time consuming process. The time and investigative costs involved that used to be very minor have now increased significantly."   SEAL Buster Don Shipley

Some of you have seen Don on TV doing his investigations. I've been appalled how strong some of these "posers" cling to their identify. One very high profile case in Los Angeles featured a man who had a whole fitness center and who trained movie stars, claiming he was a SEAL. In the end, he was forced to admit he had faked his credentials for monetary gain. He used the justification, "no one was hurt."


To the men and women who have spilled blood, and who paid the ultimate sacrifice so we can live our ordinary lives in a "normal" fashion, somewhat shielded by the ravages of war others have to endure living elsewhere, yes, someone was hurt. That someone else could take credit for someone else's sacrifice is the lowest form of low imaginable.

As writers, we have to check our facts. But we also cannot reveal some of our sources, or have to change or alter our information so as not to give aid to the enemy. Just because we do not see them, our enemies are out there, waiting. Unfortunately, I think we'll see more and more evidence of this over the next few years especially.

Nice to know someone has our back at home, helping the Home Of The Free be more honest, and for protecting us from individuals who would rather play a part than do the work. Thank you, Don Shipley, for the service you continue to do for all of us.

Sharon Hamilton
Life is one fool thing after another.
Love is two fool things after each other.

When I began exposing Fake Navy SEALs a few years ago I was verifying 2-3 SEAL Imposters a week. As word spread I began checking 2-3 Phony Navy SEALs a day.  Today, I currently verify 20-30 Fraudulent SEAL claims each and every single day and often more. When Navy SEALs execute another daring raid like the Somalia Pirates or the Bin Laden raid, the requests to verify go through the roof and I When I began exposing Fake Navy SEALs a few years ago I was verifying 2-3 SEAL Imposters a week. As word spread I began checking 2-3 Phony Navy SEALs a day.  Today, I currently verify 20-30 Fraudulent SEAL claims each and every single day and often more. When Navy SEALs execute another daring raid like the Somalia Pirates or the Bin Laden raid, the requests to verihen I began exposing Fake Navy SEALs a few years ago I was verifying 2-3 SEAL Imposters a week. As word spread I began checking 2-3 Phony Navy SEALs a day.  Today, I currently verify 20-30 Fraudulent SEAL claims each and every single day and often more. When Navy SEALs execute another daring raid like the Somalia Pirates or the Bin Laden raid, the requests to verify go through the roof and I struggle to get through the email, Facebook, YouTube, and phone calls that easily goes over 50 SEAL verifications.
In the end… What started out small and free service for years has grown into a demanding and exceptionally time consuming process. The time and investigative costs involved that used to be very minor have now increased signugh the roof and I struggle to get through the email, Facebook, YouTube, and phone calls that easily goes over 50 SEAL verifications.
In the end… What started out small and free service for years has grown into a demanding and exceptionally time consuming process. The time and investigative costs involved that used to be very minor have now increased significantly. struggle to get through the email, Facebook, YouTube, and phone calls that easily goes over 50 SEAL verifications.
In the end… What started out small and free service for years has grown into a demanding and exceptionally time consuming process. The time and investigative costs involved that used to be very minor have now increased significantly.
When I began exposing Fake Navy SEALs a few years ago I was verifying 2-3 SEAL Imposters a week. As word spread I began checking 2-3 Phony Navy SEALs a day.  Today, I currently verify 20-30 Fraudulent SEAL claims each and every single day and often more. When Navy SEALs execute another daring raid like the Somalia Pirates or the Bin Laden raid, the requests to verify go through the roof and I struggle to get through the email, Facebook, YouTube, and phone calls that easily goes over 50 SEAL verifications.
In the end… What started out small and free service for years has grown into a demanding and exceptionally time consuming process. The time and investigative costs involved that used to be very minor have now increased significantly.


  1. One way to tell a fake SEAL is that he may brag about his service. Unbelieveable that so many are trying to ride on the backs of men who work so hard and sacrifice so much, and of course who ride on the backs of those who sacrificed their lives! Thank you Mr.Shipley and thank you Sharon Hamilton for sharing this information. You are both awesome!

    1. Thank you, Billie Jackson. Yes, it is totally shameful someone should claim credit for a worthy deed a true hero performed. The lowest of the low, IMHO. Hope you'll come back, and follow along with us...Enjoyed seeing you here today.

  2. Its so sad that people have to fake who they really are. All the armed forces from around the world work to defend their country and others less fortunate, without fame and fortune
